What's a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and start editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
Invest in your own health
Investing in your own health is profitable. 2020 was a tough year where the vast majority became demotivated after a long period of social distancing, closure of society and fewer opportunities to take care of their health through physical activity. For many, therefore, 2021 starts with the hope of a better year than last year, and the positive New Year's energy gives many motivation to become a better version of themselves.
Now you have the opportunity to invest in your own health. The Norwegian health portal Tigeni offers a variety of lifestyle self-tests with a simple finger prick test (blood test). With the help of this test, you can follow your blood values over time and get advice and guidance on how to adapt your lifestyle for a healthier everyday life and better health.
Check your health at home
Tigeni offers a variety of self-tests, both individual tests and period tests. You can take a vitamin D test, or you can order a standard test that checks you for diabetes, iron levels, vitamin D, vitamin B12, cholesterol, magnesium, and you will have a consultation meeting with a doctor over video. A half-yearly test is also offered so that you can easily compare results over time. It is now easy to invest in your own health.
Read more about Tigeni's services and check your health
The importance of having control over your blood values
Iron is a nutrient that is, among other things, necessary for the transport of oxygen in the body. Iron deficiency is more common than many people think, and especially affects women. Many people experience iron deficiency in that they generally feel slack and unwell, that they have a headache or feel dizzy. As a rule, iron deficiency can be treated easily with iron supplements - which are available without a prescription at pharmacies in various doses.
Cholesterol is an important building block for all cell membranes and is important for the energy metabolism in the body, as well as the formation of certain hormones (such as estrogen and testosterone). When too much cholesterol / LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) is taken up in the artery wall, it causes an inflammatory reaction that causes the artery wall to thicken, the tissue is damaged by these cholesterol deposits and we get in addition to cholesterol precipitation of calcium and inflammatory cells in the artery wall , also called atherosclerosis.
Magnesium is an important mineral in our body. Magnesium is important for, among other things, our skeleton and teeth, to maintain normal muscle and nerve function and for energy production. Magnesium is used, for example, for leg cramps. Signs of magnesium deficiency can be loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, lethargy and / or feeling weak. These are diffuse and vague symptoms that can also have other causes.
Vitamin D.
D vitamin can help strengthen the immune system against infectious diseases. With a normal value of vitamin D, you are also well equipped for the winter months' ailments. Vitamin D is unique in that it acts both as a vitamin and as a hormone with several different functions in the body. The most important function is that it ensures the absorption of calcium from the food we eat.
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to fatigue, muscle and joint pain, weakened arms and legs and an increased risk of osteoporosis. Normally, a lack of vitamin D is due to a diet with little supply of the vitamin or too little sun exposure. Vitamin D is the only vitamin that the body, under the right conditions, can produce itself. This happens when exposed to sunlight. Sunlight is a good source of vitamin D Here in the Nordic countries, there can be little sun due to short days. The most important food source is oily fish, cod liver oil, fortified milk, eggs and cheese
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is vital and very important for the formation of red blood cells and normal nerve function. In addition, the vitamin is necessary for the conversion, transport and storage of folate, for the body's formation of genetic material (DNA), as well as being important in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. B12 is found mainly in animal products such as meat, eggs, fish and milk. You can also find a food on the market, such as nutritional yeast added to B12.
Diabetes is a group of diseases that are caused by the body not producing enough insulin, or that the insulin works poorly. Insulin is needed for the cells to absorb nutrients. With a test, you can check if you are at risk.
Check yourself at home - order lifestyle analysis here
How to complete the tests
Tigeni sends you a test kit that contains everything you need to complete the finger prick test. With a login via your PC or mobile, you will see the test results and how you score compared to the normal distribution in the Norwegian population.
To perform the test:
- In the event of a small sting in the finger, fill the container with approx. 5-6 drops of blood.
- Send the sample in the mail in the return package. The test is sent to one of Tigeni's ISO-certified and CE-approved laboratory partners, for analysis.
- After 3-5 working days you can see your results on PC and mobile. Your results are assessed by a Norwegian general practitioner.
- Follow-up with video consultation with a doctor if necessary.
Tigeni blood sampling instruction guide with finger prick test.
Investing in your own health provides health benefits: Order here