What's a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and start editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
High cholesterol
Having high cholesterol alone does not usually cause symptoms, but increases the risk of serious cardiovascular disease. High cholesterol levels must therefore be monitored by measuring blood cholesterol with a blood test.
Check your cholesterol at home
Everyone has cholesterol in their blood. High cholesterol is present when the body has cholesterol levels above a desired level, but also if there is more of the "bad" cholesterol (LDL) than the "good" cholesterol (HDL). High cholesterol is most affected by heredity, diet and level of physical activity.
Tigeni is a digital health service for you who want to monitor your health condition at home. With a simple self-test, you can check your cholesterol and other blood values yourself.
You do not have to book an appointment with the doctor, and you get a digital, simple overview of your own health.
What does "high cholesterol" mean?
Cholesterol is one of the body's natural building blocks, and the body itself produces about 1-2 grams of cholesterol a day. The task of cholesterol is to metabolize energy in the body, participate in the formation of important hormones and to strengthen cell membranes. Cholesterol is formed in the liver and attaches to fats and fatty acids. Fat and cholesterol are then carried with the blood to the areas that need energy and nutrition.
Thus, cholesterol is a substance we depend on to transport energy and building blocks to the organs in the body that need it. Cholesterol also helps produce hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.
High cholesterol
Both heredity, diet and low activity level can contribute to elevated total cholesterol or an unfortunate distribution of the two mentioned types of cholesterol. Both are referred to as "high cholesterol". The bad cholesterol gets stuck in the arteries, and at high levels the body will try to repair this - with the unfortunate effect that calcifications form in the blood vessels, tending to block them.
May cause decreased blood circulation
When the blood vessels are subjected to high levels of cholesterol over time, the body will try to repair itself. This creates inflammation in the artery walls. Over time, plaque forms and the artery walls thicken. The tissue is damaged and atherosclerosis forms.
This inhibits blood circulation to important organs and can, for example, lead to cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. As a consequence, this can lead to serious, extensive and incurable damage to the body - and ultimately, death.
HDL and LDL cholesterol
Cholesterol is divided into two main types: HDL (High-density lipoprotein) and LDL (Low-density lipoprotein). HDL cholesterol is often called "good cholesterol" and LDL cholesterol "bad" cholesterol.
LDL cholesterol is often called "bad" cholesterol because it consists of too much cholesterol and fat, rather than proteins. The cell walls and blood vessels react negatively to this, and increase the risk of poor blood circulation.
Good HDL cholesterol has more protein than it has cholesterol, and therefore does not supply the cells in the body with more cholesterol than necessary. HDL cholesterol also has the ability to carry cholesterol back from the arteries to the liver, where it is broken down.
What causes high cholesterol?
Although high cholesterol can be hereditary (familial hypercholesterolemia), there are several external factors that affect the cholesterol in the blood. High cholesterol is thus part of what we call "lifestyle diseases" - health problems related to how we live and use our body (source: NHI ). The fat content and the types of fat in the food we eat are especially decisive.
HelseNorge also points out in particular the following risk factors for high cholesterol:
- Smoking
- High blood pressure
- Overweight
- Diabetes
- Age
- Genetics
All these factors can help to weaken the circulation or create the wrong proportion of cholesterol types in the blood.
Food and diet
Cholesterol levels can, as part of our lifestyle, be affected by the choices we make in our diet. To a large extent, this is related to the fat in the food we eat, but not all the fat we eat is unhealthy.
The fats in the diet that have the greatest negative effect on cholesterol are saturated fats and trans fats. These are fats that are less liquid at room temperature. The saturated fat most often comes from meat and dairy products, while trans fat is most often found in processed foods.
If we have a high intake of a lot of saturated fat and trans fat, this will over time affect cholesterol levels. High saturated fats and trans fats increase LDL cholesterol.
Healthy fat is known under the names unsaturated and polyunsaturated fat . Such fats are more liquid at room temperature, and are found in food and vegetable oils. Unsaturated fats supply the cells with energy and their basic building blocks, without increasing LDL cholesterol to any great extent.
Risk of cardiovascular disease
High cholesterol increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. When high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) attach to the artery walls, the veins become clogged. This is called atherosclerosis.
As the arteries become restricted, the heart's own blood supply can be reduced, and the resistance to circulation in the body can increase. This unfortunately also further increases the work the heart the heart must perform.
Cholesterol and calcifications attached to the artery walls build up over many years, and will affect the arterial system in a way that physically prevents circulation. This leads to lasting changes and can lead to serious illness.
People at hereditary risk should regularly check their cholesterol levels. When inherited, high cholesterol is called "familial hypercholesterolemia". For healthy adults, an LDL level below 2.5 mmol / L is recommended. In diabetes, previous stroke / infarction, kidney disease or known cardiovascular disease, LDL levels below 1.8 mmol / L should be striven for.
As high cholesterol is a condition that is usually asymptomatic, one should regularly check that one is within the normal range based on lifestyle and diet. A study of cholesterol levels can also reveal more about general health than just cholesterol levels.
With Tigeni you can now regularly have your cholesterol levels checked and analysed from home. You receive quick analysis and test results completely digitally, as well as advice and guidance.
How is cholesterol measured?
Cholesterol levels are examined with a simple blood test. The blood sample is analyzed with a lipid profile - a tool for examining cholesterol, etc. The situation is assessed on the basis of the ratio of HDL / LDL cholesterol and the general cholesterol level.
As this is a natural substance in the body, such examinations are always compared with the general level seen in the population.
If you do not have high cholesterol, but are at risk of developing this, there are several measures you can take. Simply reducing cholesterol levels on the other hand has no quick fix. Often long-term and lasting lifestyle changes are required, which will involve a long-term plan.
If you have been confirmed as having high cholesterol, you will probably be dependent on both lifestyle changes and medications. Your doctor will decide what will work best for your situation.
Dietary changes and supplements
For some it may help to change their diet. Reducing the intake of saturated fat or trans fat in the diet also reduces the unheathy proportion of bad LDL cholesterol in the blood.
There are also supplements with plant sterols and ethanol that can have an effect in reducing LDL cholesterol. These are natural substances from plants, vegetables and fruit - but which occur in such small amounts in pure food that they alone will not make a significant difference. Such supplements do not replace medications.
Regular exercise
Physical activity can to some extent regulate cholesterol in the blood. Physical activity will not lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood, but helps to balance the distribution of the bad LDL cholesterol (which is lowered) and the good HDL cholesterol (which is increased). However, physical activity is in any case very valuable.
Exercise affects several risk factors
In addition to the fact that exercise with an increased heart rate can improve cholesterol levels, exercise will also have a positive effect on overall health over time. Both obesity and diabetes are factors that increase the risk of high cholesterol, and daily exercise has a beneficial effect on this as well.
Improved fitness therefore has a number of benefits associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease.
For some, a lifestyle change will not be enough. In such cases, one is dependent on medication and regular analyses of cholesterol levels. Drugs that lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol are statins, resins, fibrates, ezetimibe and PCSK inhibitors.
Worldwide, it is estimated that around 100 million prescriptions are prescribed for statins annually (source NHI ).
Cholesterol lowering treatment / measures
- Improved diet (less saturated fat / trans fat)
- Supplements (plant sterols / ethanol)
- Regular exercise (high heart rate)
- Medicines
Tigeni : Check your cholesterol levels at home
Tigeni is a simple solution for you if you need to keep your cholesterol level under control, or want to find out if you are in the risk group. This may be relevant if you suspect you might have high cholesterol due to current lifestyle or genetics.
With Tigeni you do not have to book an appointment and travel to the GP. Tigeni not only provides a check of your blood levels, but will also be able to give you advice and tips for improved health. By performing regular tests yourself, you can minimise the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as a number of other lifestyle diseases.
Standard test
The package contains everything you need to easily and painlessly take a blood sample from home. In addition to measuring cholesterol, the test will look at the following:
- Risk of diabetes
- Vitamin D level
- Vitamin B12 level
- Level of iron
- Magnesium level
You can choose to conduct a one-time test, but over time it can be valuable to conduct regular testing. You can decide this yourself and preferably through advice from your doctor. With Tigeni you can have a proactive relationship with your own health, and to a greater extent stay up to date on what is going on inside your body.
Tigeni and Garmin
When ordering the standard package and subscription with Tigeni you now also receive a wearable from Garmin! With a wearable, you have a greater opportunity to monitor your own health. Data is transferred from the wearable into the Tigeni app.
By measuring heart rate and activity level, it will be easier for you to gain an even greater insight into your own health. When activity level and blood values are seen in context, Tigeni can both provide you with both better advice and guidance on preventive measures for improving your health.
Read more: For private and public health care
You will receive the test results digitally, which can be read either on your mobile or PC / Tablet. Your personal data is subject to the strictest privacy requirements. To access your test results, a user profile and BankID are required.
All tests and medical data are protected. Tigeni does not share or sell biological data to any third party. Data is only used to perform the service.
Check your cholesterol at home
If an illness is discovered
Should the test results indicate illness or a serious deficiency, one of our doctors will contact you directly. In such cases, the doctor will give you information on where to go. Samples will only be analysed for the tests specified and will not provide an assessment or indication of other diseases